Friday, November 16, 2012

30 Days Day 16- Someone Who Inspires Me

This blog post was one I had to sit and think about for awhile. Every person I thought of seemed trite or predicted. Who truely inspires me? I couldn't think of someone offhand. Then I thought of Tina Fey.

Tina telling it like it is
Yes, Tina Fey. She is hilarious! She is a successful writer, mother, and wife who has no trouble that it isn't easy balancing everything in life, and that it is ok not to. She seems to see the humerous side in everything in life, while understanding that life is serious sometimes.

She was the head writer for Saturday Night Life for years, until she left for 30 Rock. She wrote Mean Girls, and continues to act and write. She isn't perfect, and doesn't claim to be. Women in the entertainment business(or anywhere, really) often claim they have the perfect children, love life, career, hair, skin, bodily functions(ha). Tina tells it like it is, and is not ashamed of it.

What about you? Who inspires you, celebrity or non?

If you would like to play along in the series of questions, you can find the list of days and topics HERE, and if you tweet your answers, or want to look up people playing along, use the hashtag #30dayshathnovember.



  1. HA! I love that quote. Tina Fey is the best.

    1. She is! I would love to spend a day with her.


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