Monday, November 19, 2012

30 Days Day 19-Myself, One Year Ago

One year ago, I had just finished celebrating a month of my thirties, and was just returning from my family reunion trip to Denver, Colorado. I loved it! Well, not my sister waking me up at 5am everyday. But everything else yes. Here are a few pics!

View from my hotel-first time ever seeing a mountain!

Buffalo Bill Museum!

You could act out a scene with props and costumes-I opted out of the clothes. Who knows
when the last time they were cleaned.

Legend has it if you throw a quarter and hit the star, and it then hits the cross then you get a wish.
That COULD have been started by the museum...His grave is on top of a mountain.

If you would like to play along in the series of questions, you can find the list of days and topics HERE, and if you tweet your answers, or want to look up people playing along, use the hashtag #30dayshathnovember.


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